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Membership Information

Membership in NMNPC is for a full calendar year. Memberships begin on the date of registration and expire 365 days from that date. Individuals who would like to register for an event or purchase a product in our online store without becoming a member may create a free Non-Member Account. Reduced pricing available for members is not available to individuals with a non-member account.

NMNPC dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for US federal income tax purposes and due to lobbying activities on behalf of NMNPC members, only a portion is deductible as a professional business expense. NMNPC estimates that 40% of your dues are deductible as a professional business expense. Use the button below for more information on all the benefits of membership.

Member Benefits


Full Member $100
Currently licensed nurse practitioner who maintains certification through a nationally recognized certification board. A full member has voting rights and may hold elected office.
Full Member (Graduated Student Member) $70
Current student member in good standing who now meets the full member criteria and is renewing for the first time after graduating from an NP program. Receives our Congratulations on Graduating! 40% discount on regular full membership dues. Please note: you must be a current student member to take advantage of this discount.
Retired Member $50
Currently or previously licensed nurse practitioner who is fully retired from compensated practice but may engage in uncompensated volunteer work. A retired member has voting rights and may hold elected office.
Student Member $25
Registered nurse who is a student enrolled in an entry-level program that prepares nurse practitioners. A student member does not have voting rights and may not hold elected office.
Associate Member $75
Individual interested in fostering the purposes of NMNPC. An associate member does not have voting rights and may not hold elected office.
Supporting Member $200
Corporation, agency, organization, institution, or other group interested in supporting the purposes of NMNPC by contributing financial support. A supporting member does not have voting rights and may not hold elected office.
Non-Member Account $0
A non-member account is for an individual who wishes to purchase a product or register for an event without becoming a member. An individual with a non-member account does not receive member pricing on any products or events and does not enjoy full access to all the features of our website but may upgrade to full membership at any time. NMNPC encourages all nurse practitioners who create a non-member account to contribute financial support by donating to our lobbyist fund - our lobbyist's efforts benefit all nurse practitioners in New Mexico.

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